Technology of the 40k universe

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Technology of the 40k universe

General Biakal
comments, theories and observations about he weapons, vehicles and armour of the 41st millenium
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las pistols

General Biakal
las pistols

Im honestly not sure they are 'pistols' at all. looking at the actual model the cadian are quite large- not broom-handle mauser size like you would expect but much much bigger. I think las-pistols are actually SMG's- more akin to uzi and mac-11 type weapons. able to be fired one handed but almost as powerful as a rifle but shorter range.  the las pistol looks very much like a super compact rifle with what looks like the same power clip. I imagine that also the shooter would get much fewer shots from the pistol than the rifle as there would be more power needed to fire the energy bolt through the shorter barrel. the shorter barrel would also reducethe range

the other reason why the laspistol is so big is that a real scaled pistol would be almost invisible and would have no detail- at least for mere human painters.

however it could be caused by the fact GW think "correct scale" is a dirty word

the mauser looks very much like the cadian las pistol.

the uzi- scalewise more of a match and also the same kind of performance


catachan and krieg laspistols are much more compact....
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Re: las pistols

"Laspistol" isn't, of course, one weapon.  It describes simply a compact, one-handed weapon based on the laser technology of the Imperium (if you check out the Tau of PO, then you'll see my personal take on Imperial laser weaponry).

So, yes, there are weapons as large as a Mauser or Uzi, but also as small as a Walther PPK.  Digital laspistols are as small as a finger ring, yet just as powerful.

Don't take the tabletop weapons in the 28mm range as a true guide.  They are deliberately larger than life to meet the needs of the tabletop gamer (the ability to identify quickly and at a distance what weapons any given model is holding).

By way of example, this old 54mm model is wielding a 28mm revolver and it looks perfectly in-scale:

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Re: las pistols

In reply to this post by General Biakal
Mind you, a Mauser M712 like that would probably rate as an Autopistol, just like the Uzi there, rather than a humble slugthrower.
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Re: Technology of the 40k universe

In reply to this post by General Biakal
I always saw the laspistol as more like the ones in star wars...
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Re: Technology of the 40k universe

In reply to this post by General Biakal
What's the deal with Bolters?

They don't bolt! [rimshot]

Well, in the years since this was posted lots of material has been written detailing the function and styling of all kinds of 40k weapons.

For instance, the ubiquitous bolt fired from the venerable Bolter is actually a miniature single stage rocket with a "mass-reactive" warhead. Bolters are actually tiny rocket launchers.
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