the scene, yesterdayi post on WANKSEER beacuse no cunna here likes 40k but me, so i go there to see whats going on. and i got done off Wintermute for telling this guy to shut up who had been giving me personality hassles about using the word "tho" not "though"... no shit. and he had the gall to insult my grammar which is nomally dead good and that.
so, long story short, i got 15 warning points which last a year. and i sent Wintermute a PM essentially calling him an asshat. at 25 i get banned, so im gussing when mr "Im a fucking Warseer moderator and my penis is small" reads it i will get 15 more.
thats all I wanted to say on the matter.
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch