Spare parts for old games

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Spare parts for old games

Richie the Orc
Wouldn't it be good if there existed a website or store for spares for old games, I pick up old stuff from charity shops & car boot sales whenever I can and some times there are bits missing. This doesn't bother me, but I am getting a rather substantial collection of games with parts missing. Pity we can't get a trade going amongst ourselves in spares!
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Re: Spare parts for old games

In a way eBay does that, but I know what you mean

I've seen a site that sells bits from Space Crusade and SpaceHulk and in a similar vein there are a few what they call 'Bitz Sites' out there that sell parts from plastic miniatures (99% of the time it's just GW stuff).

and for generic components there's always Game Crafter
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