Space Hulk Missions.... 'The Return of the Argo'

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Space Hulk Missions.... 'The Return of the Argo'

I have created my first Space Hulk Mission.... I feel like a proud father, even if it's crap I'll still love it! So 'Lost and Damned', if you have the time to try it out please do and let me know what works/ doesn't work etc...
I've played it twice and the Space Marines have been wiped out both times... where am I going wrong?
Its in the 'downloads' section of my Space Hulk Solo site.
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Re: Space Hulk Missions.... 'The Return of the Argo'

Me and Mark RG are going to give this mission a go some time soon, we'll let you know what happens
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~