This forum is very bad for me. Puts strange thoughts into my mind.
I find myself doing bizarre bleary-eyed searches for out of print games in the middle of the night to find the resulting links are to German websites where I end up perusing
Commanderwaffen in
Das Spiel StarQuest with pictures of
ein Dreadnought Klasse VII (Zerstörer-Klasse) ...
(I'm sure men my age look at niche sites in German in the middle of the night, these guilty pleasures, the colour photos, the retro-imagery. It's okay, surely, but how would I explain if I was caught?)
Anyhow. I didn't want to spoil Mortis's SH v SC thread with my Google lostings, but here's a link to many of the old rule books from the Space Crusade game and expansions: The author appears to have revised his site - NEW LINK: zip files, some rar files - containing pdfs and jpgs)
Loving the late 80s b/w artwork in the Space Crusade rule book!