Space Crusade Solo Rules

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Space Crusade Solo Rules

Hey guys, Ive got a guys coming over for a game of Space Crusade tonight and I thought we'd try out some solo rules that are floating around the interwebs somewhere. I have adapted them a bit and are using some spare marines for what the original rules called 'strangers'. The idea is that you roll a d6 when ever you step into a new corridor or a new room and based on what you roll, something may or may not happen - from alien events to a few aliens to a crap load of aliens to a wandering space marine who can join your team.

I'll let you know how it goes, we'll be using 4 marine teams (hopefully) in a sort of co-op dungeon crawler.
Here are the modified rules.
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Re: Space Crusade Solo Rules

Looks interesting, but I'd be afraid that taking away the Blips mechanic may cause the game to play in a very un-Space Crusade like way

You might want to take a look at the Derelict Rules on Necromundicon for some alternative ideas for playing Space Crusade and/or Space Hulk solo
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~