The first picture is supposed to be this dwarfsmithy, with a big smelterthingie in the middle. The players interrupted a fierce ettin/ogre torturing a dwarf by having him hanged in chains above the opening, threatening to drop him into the molten metal - also, those barred holes in the floor contained prisoners, who could be killed by opening the valves and releasing molten metal into the "cells".
The players managed to kill the ogre and his minions, but he managed to open the valve - and they had to go through this minigame, trying to save the poor dwarves down below. It looked bleak, but the mage remembered having this elemental gem with a captured water elemental, and tossed it into the smelter, stopping the flow enough to save the dwarves.
The next part is this mineshaft, with several levels - not showing are the openings in the walls, and the heavy cargocontainers hanging from chains in the roof - containers that could be moved by using levers and pulleys in the walls. The players moved and released these containers in order to break the platform barely showing in the lowest part, crushing a "boss" who thought he was safe in a magic field. The platform broke and hurtled him into the dark abyss, much to the players rejoicement. Oh, and while they were running around trying to do this, they were hounded by orcs and a large metal golem released by the old "security system".
Ive had lots of fun making simple walls, trees and other stuff, like those barrels showing on the second picture - also, Mr Babbles work can be seen in the first picture ^^
Im hoping to get the time for more of this, learning as I go.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the Ogre/ettin really... He was just this normal boss in the encounter, bit boring, so I wanted to make him something the players remembered - so I made him into this one-headed Ettin, having lost one of his heads years ago in a fight. But since he loved his "headbrother", he forced his shamans (bit brighter and more social than other Ettins) to reanimate the head. He decided to honor his headbrother by putting the head on a big stick and using him as his main weapon. The players really appreciated being battered by this hollering, rotten head, slobbering all over them every chance it got. ^^ Had this idea that it would get stuck with a critical hit, gnawing on until someone managed to pry it loose.
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign
Re: Some "terrain" from my campaign