Re: My Chaos battlefleet

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Re: My Chaos battlefleet

hi mate where do you run your club, i'm hoping to try to start one in Warminster, our local pub is up for it. The problem i have so far is i cannot be their as my job gets in the way all the time. so im needing somehelp from someone that nows what there doing.

Any volinteers

Game on
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: My Chaos battlefleet

Not wishing to go off-topic, I'll refer you to my long-term blog on starting and running a wargaming club: a journey that has very much been up and down for the last three years.

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Re: My Chaos battlefleet

Iv Had a quick look though and it's good advice. thanks I might pop over when im seeing my parents, what reg were you in.

Game on
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: My Chaos battlefleet

You hail from up this way, do you Mark?  It'd be great to see you at YGWC if you're in the area on a Wednesday evening.  PM before coming, if you do, just in case we've got any changes to the usual routine.

I served seven years in the RAMC as a Medical Support Officer.  Not glamorous.  Not exciting.  But I had the satisfaction of knowing that my work helped save lives.

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Re: My Chaos battlefleet

Yes i'm from up North. Altrincham,most of my mates are down south so il stay here till iv paid my morgage off, then i will look for a bigger place.

RMAC has the most VC's, Iv a lot of respect for you guys, I was doing my RMA3 ashvale many moons ago.

Game on.
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: My Chaos battlefleet

Ha.  How many moons?  I was Adjutant at Ash Vale from 2002 to 2005.  You might have saluted me.

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Re: My Chaos battlefleet

1997 just before i made L/CPL. 1RTR. Men in black.

Game on.
-- Mark RG (Game on)