RPG Help - hit location and damage chart

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RPG Help - hit location and damage chart

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Hello all,

Currently working on an automated hit location and damage chart through MS Excel.

So far I've got a D100 that's rolled which generates 1 of 6 hit locations (L Arm, R Arm, L Leg, R Leg, Body, Head). Will probably create another version with additional hit locations when I'm happy with this one.

Once a hit location is generate the area is highlighted in red on a render of a human body (just for some graphical visuals)

Simultaneously a D6 is also rolled this number then refers back to tables for each of the hit locations. Another cell then references both the hit location and the D6 number presenting the outcome to the GM.

What am I looking for??

I need different wounds for the hit location tables - with 1 being a light wound and 6 being heavy (not quite dead)

I'm also think of adding a further factor of weapon type - blunt, edged, stabbing, shot. If I go down this route I individual tables for weapon the and hit location. E.g. head blunt, head edged etc....

I need the wounds to be non genera specific so regardless of sci-fi or fantasy the same tables are used.

Any help would be appreciated

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Re: RPG Help - hit location and damage chart

Many existing RPGs have similar critical damage charts and tables which you can draw on for inspiration

Here's the Critical Effects tables from WFRP 2

 ^ Clicketh yon images, that they might become enbigguned upon your actions

There's plenty of others out there in different games too
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Re: RPG Help - hit location and damage chart

Cheers Mortis.....will look at that. Will also be looking around for a more advanced one.

Here's how it looks so far

The first 2 images show the general wounding system (if you are hitting a target but not in any specific location).

You click the "Wound" button and it will roll a D100 and then the hit area will highlight red. Not in the screen shot another dice is rolled to determine the outcome of the hit (this is where the damage tables come in), at the moment they only contain test text.

The second 2 images show the targeter in work. You click the targeter checkbox and the target appears. You place this over the area you are aiming for and then press the "Wound" button, another D100 is rolled to determine the accuracy (represented by the ring) a D8 is also rolled to determine which area of the ring (currently shown by the grey arrows) so although you may be in the correct ring, you may be in the wrong part of the ring and miss.

I will then link this up with a more complex table for hitting eyes, nose, mouth etc.....
