Printable Stone Circles

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Printable Stone Circles

Billiam Babble

Printable scenery (x-posted on blog featuring products on DriveThru)

I hope you get to read this in time to take advantage of the a free offer by Lord Zsezse Works.  The Megalith Circle looks simple enough for the more clumsy paper modellers, like myself (thumbs the size of footballs).  Having browsed that pack, I'm now mightily intrigued by the Ancient Worlds: Columns Circle.  Both would make ideal set pieces for fantasy, horror campaigns.  Certainly cheaper than Dwarven Forge or Hirst Arts.

Now all I need to do now is to find some downloadable glue ....
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Re: Printable Stone Circles

I always seem to miss the free stuff I want
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Printable Stone Circles

In reply to this post by Billiam Babble
Some years ago I had a totally different opinion concerning "paper stuff", in one of my first posts here on TLatD I said that I disliked dungeons in paper, (and so paper buildings or miniatures...).
Billiam makes me change my mind during this time, now I can affirm that I totally like paper stuff and this stone circle is really cool. Nice find!

And if I don't want to buy it, I can always buy some pencils and paper and do it by myself!
(I'm not a copycat, I look at everything like a source of inspiration )

+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
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Re: Printable Stone Circles

The main thing that's always concerned me about paper and card terrain is durability, like my terrain (and also miniatures) to be able to survive all the stresses and strains of constant gaming and being transported in between games
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~