PROJECT: Sabre Heavy Stubber Battery

Posted by General Biakal General Biakal
sabre weapons platform battery

"There is not much to see while its firing... noise, vibration, spent cases hitting you  in the grill... but when its all over and you take a wander to the beaten zone and try and count the kills and realise it pretty much down to how many teeth you can find. I was once charged by a whole platoon of renegades. The best the Officer of the Day could give me was "Numerous Kills".
 It's a double edged sword, being an instrument of His destruction. I am too GOOD!"

 -Cpl. Rico Doar, 349th AF(R), requoted from here

i recently managed to get two more sabres on a 50% off deal, so i am now up to a full battery of three. the new rules for these make them actually quite naughty and to be frank, 18 twin linked S4 AP6 shots with a 3+ sv for 120pts? why not?

the one on the far right is the old one, and the other two have been done this weekend. you will notice they are slightly different colors as the old one was sprayed with the now hard to get Plastikote Butterscotch, and the new ones are in Solar Macharious Orange.

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Re: PROJECT: Sabre Heavy Stubber Battery

Nice work again dude
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~