"To the west of the Ork compound the firefight was intense. Orks flocked to attack the armour, and were cut down by accurate and intense fire. the only thing holding the 317th's tanks at bay was terrifying fire from a row of Zzzap! gun along the eastern defence line, a low berm with crude panels of scrap welded together to form a fire point. the crews had turned their weapons around to face the enemy and were pouring fire at the leading Leman Russ tanks.
an energy discharge laced towards the leading tank, its bolters and auto cannons silenced as an arc of lightning tore a huge singed hole in its turret. It caused a sudden drop in the torrent of fire and the Orks started to inch forward.
suddenly, a series of small explosions could be heard to the west, followed by a hard revving engine and gunshots. a heavily armoured chimera crested the berm, its mineplow scratched from the detonations as it cleared the mine field in front of the defenders. a group of warriors poured out from it, in orange armour and with green glowing eye pieces. they threw accurate volley fire in to the grots manning the Zzzap! guns, then fell on the survivors with bayonettes and knives, leaving none standing. the call wentout "DEEP EYES Report Heavy Weapons position clear".
within minutes the men had set up four heavy bolters the new firebase sliced into the Ork rear. tens of enemy creatures fell, and those to the rear tried in vain to pile bodies to act as cover.
but now the Zzzap! guns were clear, the air support could run low level flights, and the last thing the Ork Warboss saw were two Vulture gunships hovering over the Storm Trooper fire base to the east, rounds pouring from their Punisher cannons like water.
it took three days to burn all their dead." I have never found a Storm Trooper model, or even a proxy, i didn't hate. i have tried Starship Trooper minis, other 3rd party models, I have even looked at the metal ones GW do and I just don't like them.
so these, the now definative "Deep Eyes" squad, are made from the door gunners on the valkyrie kit, a resin FW head and a normal lasgun.
I have given them a new pant scheme that i wish i had used from day one. should the rumoured veteran/storm trooper plastic kit come out in January, i will be doing everything in this scheme.
i havea squad of six. four troopers, a sergeant and a plasma gunner. this is the only one fully painted, and considering how slow i am at paining infantry, dont hold your breath.
Re: PROJECT: Deep Eyes trooper, finished paint scheme
Re: PROJECT: Deep Eyes trooper, finished paint scheme
Re: PROJECT: Deep Eyes trooper, finished paint scheme
Re: PROJECT: Deep Eyes trooper, finished paint scheme
Re: PROJECT: Deep Eyes trooper, finished paint scheme
Re: PROJECT: Deep Eyes trooper, finished paint scheme
Re: PROJECT: Deep Eyes trooper, finished paint scheme