PREVIEW: apparently we need a manticore/deathstrike

Posted by General Biakal General Biakal


£30 so it seems...


Well... do we have the first own goal in the IG range? I mean the model looks brilliant- it really does.

but do i need it? it seems to me the hydra is a much more useful vehicle gamewise but frankly a benny could chop one from an aegis defence line kit and a chimera...

that same benny* could make a Manticore from the spare missiles in the valkyrie kit if he had some one to hold the glue for him. The Deathstrike is a bit harder but deep down, be honest, do we need it? apart from a special scenario (stop the Deathstrike!!!) its so random and expensive even Orks would blink at using it.

But, in all fairness, what a fucking awesome looking vehicle.

but 30 quid? for a chimera chassis tank?

AND its only two sprues... these new two sprue tanks piss me off. the hellhound is a GREAT model, no doubt, but there are very few extra bits... still, my bitsbox is pretty big so im ok but what about younger gamers?

(the following lists are provisional as iv not seen these kits yet)

UPDATE: i have actually got the kit. and i have sort of changed my mind...

it went together like two porno lesbians... in fact it went together so quickly i felt a little lcking in the best part (IMO only) of the hobby- sticking it together.

the enlarged cab looks mint but i do feel it lacks some balance on the front lower glacis... and i really dont like the spotlight so low. and im saving the spotlight fo a valk anyway

as for the missiles i think they are sort of okay dokey- shame you cant swap between mant/death but have to choose.

and if your a clever fucker you can use it for other stuff as the whole missile mount slides out leaving the chimera chassis ready for a hydra maybe?

nice model.


1. does actually look mint
2. looks good conversion fodder
3. likely to be as good a fit and as detailed as the new hellhound/chimera
4. yes two sprues but jam packed full of stuff


1. thirty fucking quid
2. again, thirty quid
3. will you really use it as much as two sentinels?
4. i dont think they will sell many at all
5. hang on..... THIRTY QUID??????
6. i feel like the crewman is a little uninspiring and could be a bit more special. maybe also a mount for a remote controlled pintle?


this model is like a pretty Nun- nice to look at but no fucking good to no cunt. if you really fancy it then get it but  chances are if you use either of the options you have made your own by now.

addition: id still only buy it if you really fancy using it as a special vehicle


* a benny- for reference he was the kid who ate his pencil case at school.


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BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: PREVIEW: apparently we need a manticore/deathstrike

That has to be about the tiniest deathstrike missile ever. I kinda like the new cab they've made but other than that it looks bad, the launch rail being the worst part of the kit.
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: PREVIEW: apparently we need a manticore/deathstrike

In reply to this post by General Biakal
agreed- the rail should be twice as long but i like the cab.
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
General Biakal General Biakal
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Re: PREVIEW: apparently we need a manticore/deathstrike

In reply to this post by General Biakal
actually- i have a confession... its fucking so pretty and i want one. the more i look at it the more i need one... i really REALLY like the cab.

i think it needs a command bay tho like on a SCUD launcher to actually control the thing... but gosh its so good looking...
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
meangreenstompa meangreenstompa
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Re: PREVIEW: apparently we need a manticore/deathstrike

In reply to this post by General Biakal
Mants are all the rage with the tourney boys over the pond. See 'Leafblower' armies winning tourneys atm.

I am really pleased to see it has a heavy bolter, after the colossal balls-up with the bassy.