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Why doesn't games workshop produce 2 little Hobbits as special Characters in LOTR? I mean they have Orks that are supposedly powerful, but in the books and movies, are stripped down one by one. Sam, Frodo and that little Drama Queen, Cough, gulp, Gollum, infiltrated Mordor, sneak passed oblivious Orks and escaped Lava under a collapsing mountain. Orks just blindly run in one direction and eat each ohter. I mean, am I missing the point, or is it just common sense?  
''The only reason they use crosses on vampires is because vampires are allergic to bullshit''- Richard Pryor
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Re: 'Obbits

Surely Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin are the hobbit special characters?

They are Heroes, exceptional among their people and events revolve around them - other hobbits for the most part are not - however other notable Hobbit's include:

Bandobras (Bullroarer) Took: A Hobbit famous for two things. First of all for his size. He was 4' 5" and was said to have been big enough to ride a horse. He lived almost 300 years before the time of Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck, who were the only hobbits to ever grow taller. He was also famous for his defeat of an invading group of orcs at the battle of greenfields. Many notable Tooks, including Peregrin, were descended from his brother Ferumbras.

Gerontius Took (The Old Took): Son of Ferumbras Took and ancestor of Peregrin Took. Gerontius was known for his long life. He lived to the age of 130. An age not reached by any other hobbit until Bilbo Baggins

and of course Bilbo Baggins!

note that the Took bloodline seems to produce a lot of notable Hobbits

also see: List of Hobbits From Wikipedia 
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: 'Obbits

Ah yes, Bandobras, in S.R 1147, if I'm correct. ;) Tolkien's son, Christopher explains that Hobbits were in fact a reflection of John Ronald. Ronald also being an avid tobacco smoker and loved simple things, beautiful things such as trees and wildlife. This can be seen in Hobbits. Also, Hobbits before Bilbo and Frodo were not well-known characters, not 'acknowledged in tales of old.' When Bilbo lives his adventures, which increased Hobbits popularity, and then a small frodo completing his task making Hobbits loyal and respectable creatures denting them a mark on the earth. JRR conveyed himself here as he was not renowned and often titled as 'absurd'. As he gradually completed LOTR, he completed himself. That is why he makes Frodo complete his task, even in the problems that he faces, as John Ronald faces the oncoming problems, he also completes his task. He makes hobbits special, loyal creatures, full of interesting characters. They are my favourite ;)  
''The only reason they use crosses on vampires is because vampires are allergic to bullshit''- Richard Pryor