New Warhammer Chaos Models

Posted by jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
ok i'm taking my lead from richie here
ok ive just been looking at the new chaos models, dont get me wrong they are pretty BUT is it me or is there something not right

is it me or is the stance too nobel?
take this one, i like this

BUT wouldnt this

or this

or even this

work just as well?
but i am just one person & it's my opinion


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BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: warhammer chaos models

The Skullcrushers are terribly sculpted. Their arms look way to long compared to their bodies and are really oddly posed. The detailing looks pretty meh, ever increasingly ridiculous helmet, I'm not so fussed when its on power armour, 'cos you know that's powered, but these are just silly. I like the horned head and that's about it.

I know GW has a history of guys in plinths being carried but the warshrine has to be the worst example of that they've ever done. It just looks way to heavy, even for two chaos trolls, I'd expect to see four to maybe even eight of them to carry that damn thing not two. They guy on top's anatomy is all over the place, don't like him. The actual shrine is quite nicely detailed, and I'd maybe consider getting the trolls to convert, as they look interesting, but in general not impressed.
Richie the Orc Richie the Orc
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Re: warhammer chaos models

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
I'm not impressed either with the new Chaos releases, everything seems totally out of proportion, and the price is stupid £35.00 for 3 Skullcrushers...worst ones are Ork Meganobz, a unit of 3 will set you back £45.00 yet you can buy 5 terminators for less than £30!
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: warhammer chaos models

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
Oh dear - I can't even say disappointed with these models because that implies I expected better.

The poses of the Warriors of Khorne mounter on the Juggers is really unnatural looking - for a start they look really stiff, ridged and static - which is completely at odds with the galloping poses of their mounts. Secondly the actual anatomy is terrible, not only in the proportions, but also in the way the legs are spread so wide to fit onto the Jugger's back are their hips dislocated or are they just very supple? Over all I get the impression a scared little girl riding on the back of a pony that is far to big for her - not what I'd associate with the Chaos god of blood and battles.
The the Juggers are not bad over all, save for the rather poor chainmail detailing on the middle one (remember when Citadel used to work around the limitations of the plastic moulding process instead of hoping no one would notice)  I can see that GW are taking ques from the Privateer Press stable of design when it comes to machine-creatures, which is not a bad thing as long as it's done well (unlike some of the recent 40k chaos models).
It goes without saying that the models are bedecked with more of those same lazily detailed 4-toothed skulls we've been seeing since the new Skeleton Warriors plastics replaced the last lot.

As for the 'Warshrine' well this is just the Ogre Kingdoms plastics all over again isn't it? Poor detailing, lack of anatomical structuring and more flat flames and 4 tooth skulls. The upper part would look much better mounted on the back of a mammoth or similar large creature. The creatures currently holding it up need to be bigger or there need to be more of them. As Mr T. Hutt pointed out there are many much better sculpted alternatives and they probably cost a good amount less too.

Oh and the new Scyla model looks pretty lame too - stupid running-falling-over pose, again lack of anatomical structuring and laughable fun-fur long-john shorts. Torso seems to be re-cast of the Soul Grinder?
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: warhammer chaos models

 ^Hey look! Another failure to sculpt convincing anatomy

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
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Re: New Warhammer Chaos Models

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
very true or could it be a "oh, yets take some old bits from some of our other lines & rework them" idea?
mind you chaos models have always been a bit ....."oh, i cant be assed" thing anyone remenber doomrider?
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: New Warhammer Chaos Models

The doomrider looks like it was chiselled from marble by Michelangelo himself compared to this recent batch of releases.
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lukekennedy100 lukekennedy100
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Re: New Warhammer Chaos Models

In reply to this post by jogar_t_hutt
Hey guys, don't be so mean! Don't you know that these Chaos models have to get up every morning, stare into there poorly detailed façades, comment so gloomily on their lack of quality because there creator had ejaculated resin so petulantly? And endure a day of lowly strategised warfare, suffering complications through a mesh of rules, regulations and restrictions? And the fact that they must be sad with the old school gamer for forking out a large lump of his wages, to put effort in to creating Mini-masterpieces, which he inevitably does, but remains quite poor in the end. And suffer dual emotions when they're bought by spoilt fanboys, who rush them to the battlefield so glumly without the necessary visual representation which makes their art all the more glorious. Seriously, you guys are too sceptical some times. See from the models perspective        
''The only reason they use crosses on vampires is because vampires are allergic to bullshit''- Richard Pryor