New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
If you were expecting anything other than high prices and terrible models you'll be disappointed. Here in no particular order other than the one I felt like showing you in are the new Ogre Kingdoms atrocities ... I mean models ... no wait I do mean atrocities

 ^yes a terrifying sight indeed - the Stone Horn is a new contender for stupidest looking model and also gets a nomination for stupidest concept, I know young teenagers who are obsessed with shitty CG ninja movies and have no concept of the design process who could come up with better monsters than this (although they will probably think this is awesome)

 ^in the vain of the new Tomb Kings and Dark Eldar models the same kit also makes this ... what the fuck is it? - I suspect this is what the talentless fuckwits in the current Citadel design team have done with the Yeti/Yhettee. What the hell is going on with those angular tusks coming out of it's neck?

 ^the Stone Horn again - I can't find anything to like about this model, this isn't Warhammer - it's like something from a cheaply made animated kids movie - it might as well have a small blundering idiot animal side kick voiced by Chris Rock that raps and gets into all kinds of japes, always screwing up Stone Horn's attempts to capture the Hero who's a talking penguin that wants to learn to fly

 ^what the fuck are they? I hope they aren't supposed to be Sabre-tusks ... these are even worse than the new War Boars! the riders don't even seem to have been sculpted to fit on their mounts either, they look like foot troops some 12 year old has blu-tac-ed to the beasts so they can be fielded as cavalry at the last moment before a game "these count as knights"

 ^the Scrap-launcher is actually not too bad considering the dire sculpting and concepts we've seen so far - it even closely follows one of the original Ogre Kingdoms concept art pictures - but is over all ruined by those stupid tusks and a failed attempt to make it look like it's moving

this is also a 2 in 1 kit and makes this unconvincing 'Cannon of the Sky Titans' - the greek style decoration on the cannon gives you the idea that this might be a weapon re-claimed from the old race of Giants the Ogre's over-threw but the effect is ruined by the Empire style decoration at the end of the barrel

Over all, yet another batch of awful miniatures added to the Citadel range and I'm sure none of them will be much below the £20 mark when it comes to pricing


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uncle phil uncle phil
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

There are many great things about Ogres, but "cavalry" is not a word often used about them, and here is why
Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
MortiS-the-Lost wrote
I know young teenagers who are obsessed with shitty CG ninja movies and have no concept of the design process who could come up with better monsters than this (although they will probably this is awesome)
Let's face it. We're in an age where (commercial / pop) fantasy is designed in this way. In the '80s every miniature was 'muscular', in '90s was 'right', in '00s was 'realistic' and now is deformed and cartoon-like.
Maybe because the 'Nowadays Fantasy' is oriented to a young or ignorant public who wants to see pimped stuff with katanas and explosions if possible.
Videogames, movies, miniatures have a new (horrible) look & feel, because is cool in this way.

Fortunately there are so many miniatures producers who don't have a so 'pop mentality'.

+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
messyart messyart
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
I knew you'd make a much better go at this than me :3
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
A shame. The Ogre's are pretty damn cool, but these beasts are a bit "overdone". I agree. Too anime for my taste, well at least in the warhammer world. I can enjoy anime monsters, but in their right surrounding. Not here. They're almost pokemans.
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
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m-dogg m-dogg
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
wow guys. i dont see why we have all this hate here. there not too bad. i admit the guys on the small wolfy things dont sit right, but that stonehorn thing is sweet. i dont see what your on about them bein like anime. and so what if it dosnt fit within the warhammer world history the big cannon thing, i think its call.
and its pokemon not pokeman
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

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m-dogg wrote
wow guys. i dont see why we have all this hate here.
Welcome to tLatD - we are not easily impressed here ...

m-dogg wrote
I admit the guys on the small wolfy things dont sit right, but that stonehorn thing is sweet. i dont see what your on about them bein like anime.
what we are on about is that all the above models (with the possible exception of the recycled Ogres themselves) are horrible stylised sculpts and ill thought out concepts - for instance how does the yeti type creature feed with those ground scraping tusks?

m-dogg wrote
and so what if it dosnt fit within the warhammer world history the big cannon thing, i think its call.
... well being a Warhammer model I'd expect fitting in with Warhammer to be somewhere on the brief - but maybe that's expecting too much from GW these days

m-dogg wrote
and its pokemon not pokeman
having used "dont",  "bein" and then the word "call" in place of "cool" I don't think it's your place to be correcting people's spellings around here
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
messyart messyart
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

m-dogg wrote
and its pokemon not pokeman
having used "dont",  "bein" and then the word "call" in place of "cool" I don't think it's your place to be correcting people's spellings around here

/debate >.>
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by Marchomer
I was trying to think where I'd seen those angular tusks before - then it stuck me, a happy meal toy of the Disney/Pixar film Ice Age ... then this thought occurred

I think I may have stumbled upon the design process here ....
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

on second thought maybe the Warsphinx was closer than the Necrophinx
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
messyart messyart
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
With almost 'nid styled chitin plates & some kind of crazy anime fantasy beast..
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
MortiS-the-Lost wrote
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by m-dogg
m-dogg wrote
and its pokemon not pokeman
I know, I was being funny... Never seen this picture?:


or any of the millions of deviations on that topic? Google it. It's funny.
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
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uncle phil uncle phil
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Re: New Ogre Kingdoms monsters

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost

Now I know what is wrong with this! The creatures themselves would be OK. Putting Ogres on them reminds me of fat girls on spacehoppers