New Lord of the Rings models from GW

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
Here's some new miniatures for GW neglected '3rd' gaming system The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game

^First up here's the Citadel Finecast Watcher in the Water ... er ... only it's not in the water - and it look like it's going to far too small as well. Also when the hell did it grow spider-legs? I'm sure it doesn't have spider-legs in the film and it's certainly no described as having spider legs in the book - I guess since the designer didn't know what happened below the waterline they decided to just make some shit up ... fantastic. Quite apart from the inherent quality problems of Fine Cast, I also don't quite see how this will be used in a Strategy Battle Game - I mean it's not part any army, the only real use for it I can see for it is having it fight The Fellowship of The Ring at the gates of Moria (this could be a more interesting battle with a model this size however as it would be able to follow Frodo and friends into Moria!) - I suppose also you could march an army of your choice to the water's edge and slay the beast, but that's going to be a rather one sided battle and will get boring after a few times. Looks like model is just for the sake of collectors really, but in that case why not have it in the water and leave out the stupid spider legs - it would look a lot nicer!
It could of course have it's uses in role-play games, but we all know GW don't intend that ...  
In conclusion: GW had the chance to make something cool and blew it by giving it spider legs and sticking it on rock ... oh and using Fine Cast ... then there is the usual issue of GW's prices - I can't see a price on the site yet but I think we are looking at something like £50 for this if not more

 ^ I can't see a name for this product yet, but it's one of the beasts that pulled Grond carrying a bunch of what I guess are Orcs (IMHO one of the few flaws of Peter Jackson's movies was making Orcs far too human shaped and once you bring that across into miniatures it becomes even worse) the monster it's looks pretty much like they did in the film, so no complaints there. It's not clear whether this is going to be in plastic or FailCast, if it's plastic GW might have taken the same approach as they have with similar Warhammer models and have the kit build 2 things.

There's also some plastic Easterling Kataphrakts (cavalry), but they're nothing special and hardly seem worth posting a picture of ...

... oh you want to see them anyway ...

... Well ok then ...

I'm going to stop writing now ...


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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

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even if it was free i wouldnt have any interest in LotR, and seeing as how it is the LEAST value system in the stable i just cannot see anyone being excited. i honestly think the onlypeople who buy LotR regularly are staffers.

having said that, the Watcher has a certain charm, and i think might be cool if used in mini-based role play games like heroquest. but at the price, nah not worth it unless your a staffer.

the second model: well, it must be big, as thats a valkyrie base its on, and it has some nice little detail on the crew in the howdah, but yes, a bit uninspiring.

the last models: yawn-a-thon. same old same old. the rank and file in LotR just gives me a Brain-wrong.

fair review, but of the three- i sort of tolerate the Watcher

both are £44 by the way, and in finewank. the riders are £22, in placcy
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost

however, demon prince? i think this looks mint, £25. not too bad...
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

yes that demon is rather nice - and if it's as big as it looks £25 isn't bad ... you know I'd maybe even buy that if it weren't FailCast
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost

Just thought, how many Squiggoth conversions do you think this will spawn?
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
I am counter-current. I think that TLotR miniatures are the best fantasy miniatures by GW and I have a lot of them, due to an Italian company called 'DeAgostini' (specialized in magazines and hobby) which released some years ago a TLotR collection in 96 instalments, containing miniatures (mine are assembled but unpainted), rules, hobby suggestions, painting guides, settings, and so on...
And IMO the rules (by Alessio Cavatore, the guy behind KoW, Warpath and WH40K 5th edition) are quite good too.

Regarding the recent GW releases I have a different idea, some of the books released (especially the new ones) totally suck (Harad for example...) because there's nothing that comes from the Tolkien's books! There are only inventions without foundations by GW designers.

Regarding THESE stuff, I think that the 'Great Beast' (mentioned by Tolkien in The Return of the King book but never described) is quite good, what it seems a new Balrog is good too.
But the Watcher in the Water miniature is a real bullshit... Why this thing isn't in the water like the name suggests and the legs... THE LEGS!!! *facepalm*
I remember that in a White Dwarf there was an HOWTO that explained how to create your own Watcher (basically 8 long tentacles glued on 8 water-like decorated bases), I think this is the only way to use a Watcher in a battle).

By the way there are only a couple of problem even if someone (like me for example) likes some of these stuff... £ineca$t and the price. So even if GW can produce some nice model... no one with a brain could never be interested to them.

The Easterlings are voluntarily not mentioned.

+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

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Marchomer wrote
I am counter-current. I think that TLotR miniatures are the best fantasy miniatures by GW and I have a lot of them, due to an Italian company called 'DeAgostini' (specialized in magazines and hobby) which released some years ago a TLotR collection in 96 instalments, containing miniatures (mine are assembled but unpainted), rules, hobby suggestions, painting guides, settings, and so on...
The DeAgostini magazine series was out in the UK too, I got a few of them for the miniatures which came with them (it worked out cheaper than buying from GW and you got a magazine with big glossy pictures of Liv Lyler . Win-Win!) I also from time to time got GW LotR miniatures in sales and so on, but I've never got around to doing much with the LotR miniatures because of the smaller scale, but they are rather nice (especially the one of Liv Lyler!). The large monsters how ever are not constrained to scale in the same way the human sized figures, so I do have Trolls, Balrogs and other LotR monsters which I use in my regular games

Here's another picture of what I shall from now on be calling 'The Watcher Not In The Water'

 ^ it appears to have a tail with tentacles wrapped round it

The Demon model is called a 'Dweller in the Dark' and seems to come with a variant Arm and Head

It seems to be another example of GW making shit up so they can make more miniatures to sell

"The Dwellers in the Dark are creatures of incredible evil and murderous instinct. For many centuries they will slumber in the depths of the world, only awakening when the sound of battle reaches their dark domain. In these times of battle they will seek out mortal champions to slay, their power growing ever stronger."

this sounds a lot more Warhammer than Tolkien - I guess we're going to see squads of 3-4 of these lead by a Balrog
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
CatBlack CatBlack
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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Not recognising the phrase dweller in the dark I completed a quick google search and found that The Dweller in the Dark appears to be some sort of fan/slash fiction on a Tolkien fan site.  Nice place to get your ideas GW!!
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: New Lord of the Rings models from GW

Slash fiction lol

I have more to add to this thread - first of all here's more pictures of The Watcher (not in) The Water.

 ^the further you go back on this creatures the less it looks like the creature from the film - in fact it looks more like a concept I saw for the Clover Field creature

Also here's a picture of the miniature GW could and should have made instead (and would have made if had any sense)

and now for some more silly miniatures ...

 ^ A rather silly Chaos Dwarf hatted leaping Goblin King

 ^ and 3 goblins riding 1 silly leaping Warg
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~