My first dungeon tiles..

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My first dungeon tiles..

Hi folks,
First post here, I found this site months ago then lost it in the mists of my bookmarks folder. Seriously I spent weeks looking for it, thankfully a random trawl on DriveThruRpg brought it all rushing back. So yeah, nice to be back ;)

For the past year or so I've been working on and off on a set of dungeon crawling rules. And to compliment them I wanted to put together a set of dungeon tiles. The idea is to give me something to playtest with, and generally just to try my hand at something new.

I drew up quite a few tiles months ago using Flash (I'm a flash developer by trade, seemed like an obvious starting point), and then the last few days I've been going back over them and tarting them up using photoshop. I'd appreciate any input you guys can offer. The first few I've 'polished' aren't all that inspiring, but I've got a few more interesting ones in the pipeline, along with a full set of corridors.

Going for a moody, atmospheric, polished kind of feel, not dissimilar to the original WHQ tiles. I appreciate they're not quite there, but then they had actual artists working on that project lol.

Cheers for looking, and ta for any input offered,
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Re: My first dungeon tiles..

Very nice crisp clean looking tiles, I think the Pentagram symbol on the large red room looks a little lost due to it's size. Maybe enlarging it so it took up a 3 by 3 square may/help.

Look forward to seeing more.
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Re: My first dungeon tiles..

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by _Si_
Really nice.  The shadows and details are just fab!