MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
It's been a while since I've posted some pictures of my dungeon in action on here - so here without further ado are some of my favorites from the last 2 years of gaming ...

 ^ A new adventure begins ...

 ^ Exploring (and looting) a tomb complex

 ^ A round cavern with a pool ... and Undead Mutants and a Skeletal Ogre!

 ^ An underground river is just one of the Secrets Beneath the Academy

^ An Ogre in it's kitchen

 ^ Looting a store room

 ^ A Mocking Gargoyle lurks in an alcove

 ^ GLORIOUS TREASURE! .... Obsessed barbarian!

 ^ The Bandit's treasure trove

 ^ Bugs!

 ^ Trying on hats

 ^ a room with a fallen ceiling through which is growing an old gnarled apple tree, where the Heroes met an equally gnarled old woman picking fruit.

 ^A small dungeon-load of monsters

 ^ Phase-Cat

 ^ Dwarfs vs Spider Swarm

 ^ Spectral Reaper

 ^ A 'Well of Souls' ...

 ^ ... and what happens when you mess with one!

 ^ Illusionary Wall

 ^ Something bad happened in this great hall ... it involved WereWolves

 ^ No stone left un-turned

the great hall, ransacked by our heroes

 ^ down the stairs from the city above and into the first chamber of a Dungeon

 ^ into the Catacombs

 ^ The undead guard a fountain

 ^ R.O.U.S ... oh you better believe they exist!

 ^ Looting the cellar of a tavern

 ^ a Catacomb Corridor

 ^ Taking a good look around

 ^ A crypt chamber

 ^ A grand tomb chamber

 ^ Exploring

 ^ Stairs Down

 ^ spider cave Cobwebs made from a disposable hair-net

 ^ The party find a cocooned Barbarian

 ^ Deeper into the Ravenstein Crypts

 ^ Troll vs Gigantic Centipede

 ^ Ambull vs Wall

 ^ Always remember to check for traps before running down a long corridor

 ^ Exploring some ruins

 ^ Trouble in the pantry!

 ^ Goblins in the Winch Room

 ^ A Dwarf and a Wizard raid a kitchen

 ^  The Thief and Cleric work their way carefully down a corridor disarming traps as they go

 ^ Goblins in the library

 ^ Our Heroes battle an Earth Elemental

 ^ Snaggletoof the Goblin Shaman and his guards

 ^ Snaggletoof summons a Fire Elemental

 ^ Our Heroes bravely run away from the Fire Elemental

 ^ The Purple Worm, about to make a light snack of the Cleric

 ^ this time it's down into the sewers to fight Rat-men

 ^ "Monsters! Over there!"

 ^ A creeping crawler creeps round a corner ...

 ^ The water in the sewer channels is a thick green plastic-bag laid out flat below the dungeon tiles - 2 layers give an added illusion of depth. Simple, cheap and surprisingly effective!

 ^ Crawler attacking

 ^ The two most badass dungeoneers in the warhammer world

 ^ Skaven!

 ^ Treasure!

 ^ Summoning a Water Elemental

Holy crap that's been a lot of pictures so far and I'm no where near done showing you my favorites yet - I'll add more to this thread later


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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

To save time I won't caption every single image this time, but I'll try and list the images by the adventure they came from ...

The Temple of Evil Elementals

The Snow Globe

The Tree of Woe

The Plague of Altdolf (part 1)

The Sunstone

The Cave in the Woods

The Plague of Altdolf (Part 2)

The Caves of Shadow

Return To Teraptus's Castle

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Prince Magnus's Gold

The Fire Mage

The Lost Children

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
The Skald The Skald
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

Ho-Lee-Crap Mortis!
It's just after 1 in the morning and I just got sensory overload! Too much eye candy for one sitting, but don't think I'm complaining, I reckon that's the most inspiration I've ever had from just one thread  
When men meet foes in fight, better is stout heart than sharp sword.
Captin Kabeered Captin Kabeered
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Hi MortiS,

Amazing, Just Super Amazing.

Your dungeon look adventures, with all the great layouts, colours and fantastic Grudge matches such as ' Troll Vs Centipede, ' and 'Amble Vs Wall' ... I wonder how the encounters resolved them self's...  For example if the Wall was defeated and the Amble was the winner as in your photo. Did the Walls Relatives track down and close in on the Amble? ...

Also the water in the sowers looks really wet and well watery and the bobbing barrel and bat are great.

Your, looted cards look cool, and the stairs, doors, corridors all look fantastic.

Keep on with all your Great Works.

Happy adventures and I hope you find the booty .

The Skald The Skald
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost

Gotta be the coolest statue ever!
When men meet foes in fight, better is stout heart than sharp sword.
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

The iconic Demon Idol you see there is from the rather awesome company OtherWorld Miniatures - A long time ago I posted a review of their stuff just they were hitting their stride. If you like to read my early impressions of their ranges Click Right Here - for more up-to-date information it's best to go Strait To Their Website 

Kicking myself for never doing a post about painting the Demon Idol, it really deserves a thread of it's own ...
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
The Skald The Skald
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

Thanks Mortis - as ever you've gone the extra yard to provide the helpful answer

MortiS-the-Lost wrote
Kicking myself for never doing a post about painting the Demon Idol, it really deserves a thread of it's own ...
...... it's never too late y'know
When men meet foes in fight, better is stout heart than sharp sword.
Billiam Babble Billiam Babble
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
God, this all looks so amazing.
(Loving the spider webs ! :D )
shawndidge1 shawndidge1
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

shawndidge1 wrote
in this first couple of photos. am i seein' a wizard with a double barrel shotgun?
That's a Witch Hunter with Flintlock Pistols
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

MortiS-the-Lost wrote
shawndidge1 wrote
in this first couple of photos. am i seein' a wizard with a double barrel shotgun?
That's a Witch Hunter with Flintlock Pistols
That'd be one of my old characters Brawm Von Hellsinger. He's got a repeating pistol from the Empire Pistoliers box in one hand and a flame pistol in the other (which was integral to the original 40K Inquisitor figure).

But back on to the original idea of the post. Here are some shots from a very old game of MortiS Quest. I believe this game ended in us causing a greater demon to be released and then running away.

MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

Awesome - you know I'd almost forgotten you'd taken those photos!
Yes this is where the events of the plague of Aldolf first began when a group of Heroes interrupt a ritual being carried out by an unholy alliance of a Rat-man Warlock, a Necromancer and Dark Emissary, they found out only too late that the ritual was to re-new the failing magical seal on an ancient vault containing a Greater Daemon of Nurgle    
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
shawndidge1 shawndidge1
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

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MarkRG MarkRG
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Re: MortiS Quest highlights - 2012-14 (lots of dungeon pictures)

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
It looks really great, oh how much I miss gaming. Hopefully in the new year I will start again. M
-- Mark RG (Game on)