Mini Wargamer Survey

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Mini Wargamer Survey

thought this might be worth our members taking part in ...

Watch the video:

and take the survey Here
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Mini Wargamer Survey

did irt lol
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Re: Mini Wargamer Survey

Madame M
In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Interesting that this store have decided to do a survey based solely on the trade done over the internet. I thought GW were stopping some of their stuff from being stocked and sold in stores as well as on the internet, or am I wrong?

In which case would it not be more conclusive for the survey to ask about various stores as well? i.e. whether a GW store got you into gaming or whether it was another store..

Equally would it not be interesting to find out how many people use GW as a base for buying the products or whether they prefer other internet stores or shops on the street?

I think his maths might be slightly off too, but then I'm a full believer that numbers can be made to say what you want them too, especially when there's no differential explanation about why people answered in the way they did.

For my part I grew up with a brother who liked the games but could never get me interested, and it's only since hooking up with Mortis that I have become more interested in it, so neither shops, internet blogs etc or magazines got me into it - other people did. Which I think may have been the basis for a few people.
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Re: Mini Wargamer Survey

Madame M wrote
Interesting that this store have decided to do a survey based solely on the trade done over the internet. I thought GW were stopping some of their stuff from being stocked and sold in stores as well as on the internet, or am I wrong?
Well what are really doing trying to force people  buy direct from them without discounts, independent retailers don't get the full range for GW products and are also now limited to how many of each product they can order

Madame M wrote
I think his maths might be slightly off too, but then I'm a full believer that numbers can be made to say what you want them too, especially when there's no differential explanation about why people answered in the way they did.
yes, exactly

Madame M wrote
For my part I grew up with a brother who liked the games but could never get me interested, and it's only since hooking up with Mortis that I have become more interested in it, so neither shops, internet blogs etc or magazines got me into it - other people did. Which I think may have been the basis for a few people.
That's a good point I think more people get into gaming though friends and relatives than though anything else
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~