Mini Dungeon Adventures

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Mini Dungeon Adventures

so, i was poking around t'interwebs (looking for 28mm pirate hats.. anyone know of any?) and found this:

print&play dungeon crawl .. while i've written my own ruleset i like the idea of going to a printers, having the 28 pages printed and having a game good to go :D

more indepth thoughts if i get chance to read the rules (i looked at hte pictures.. does that count?) but first glance it looks fun :)
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Re: Mini Dungeon Adventures

What kinda of pirate hat are you after? >.>

'cause with my Mortis Quest characters love of random hats, I may well have cause to make my own...
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
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Re: Mini Dungeon Adventures

ideally 10 hats like the middle & (his left) from these guys:

was hoping, with the mass of pirate-themed minis, someone'd do a sprue but apparently not :(
may have to try sculpting a sprues worth :(