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Legion of Doom - WIP

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Legion of Doom - WIP

70 posts
I know you're probably thinking "Don't you mean Legion of the Damned?"

I am looking at putting together a Legion of the Damned squad to go with my Raven Guard army, and when I was searching for images of them to see how difficult it would be to convert my own rather than buying the GW set, I accidentally did an image search on "Legion of Doom" instead and got heaps of pictures of the 80's wrestling tag team of the Road Warriors and their wrestling stable, the Legion of Doom.


And I thought to myself, "Why couldn't I have a squad of the Legion of Doom that counts-as Legion of the Damned?

I'm thinking chaos marine legs, backpacks and shoulder pads, space wolves bare heads (with appropriate face paint) and space marine everything else (except maybe some chaos weapons to bad-ass them up a bit) with a red and black paint scheme...

My question is, would you consider this legal in a game? Could I throw these guys down and use them as Legion of the Damned if they are equipped as per the SM codex in regards to the LotD? Or would people have a problem with that? What makes the units Legion of the Damned, is it the fact that they could feasibly be a counts-as unit and that I have spent the points on them or do they have to actually look like the LotD?


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Re: Legion of Doom - WIP

70 posts
Step 1:

Get yourself some space marine torsos, just regular ones but preferably without aquillas. I'm using 1 aquilla here to denote the Sergeant of Doom.

Step 2:

Attach Space Wolf bare heads, the balder the better as can be seen in the original image... I am also planning to do some face paint, so helmets are out for these guys.

Waiting on more bits to arrive, next up - weapons and shoulders...

P.S - This might need to be moved to the modeling thread, is that something I can do or is it an Admin thing?