Legends of The Old World

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Legends of The Old World

Warlord Bhaird
This post was updated on .
Say you were the CEO of a successful games company, apart from making sure your company was profitable...
What would be your first order of business? The models? The terrain? or The game systems themselves?
Let's say all reality on this mudball planet was instantly suspended and your company had infinite resources!
Your expanding range of models are virtually flying out of the factories into the satisfied hands of customers.
All your stock of paints, brushes, dice, counters, terrain and basing supplies are selling like hotcakes.
Well then I suppose it's time to get those game systems and rulebooks sorted out hey!

Warlord Bhaird's dream CEO challenge

Much like the CEO of my fictional reality scenario, I am faced with the challenge of designing my own game system.
Being a pretty resourceful Warlord I do have the capacity to seek out my own solutions to this task at hand.
This would involve an incredible amount of rulebook reading however and would take away the purpose (fun) of this challenge.
Seeing as this forum seems to be a place of refuge for revolutionary ideas and battle hardened veterans...
Hopefully creative ones who have enough free time on their hands to contribute to my project.

This one requires knowledge of the Warhammer Armies books both past and present.
--- The Armies ---

In 1995 I left the hobby due to various conflicting factors and have since returned as of early 2011.
Now that is a reasonably large gap of knowledge missing from my collective gaming experience.
Although playing various computer games throughout that time period kept my gaming juices flowing in a manner of speaking.
Currently I have read a number of the more recent Warhammer Armies books and I'm feeling kinda baffled...
So much so that instead of making exact duplicate rules in my own game project I'd rather duplicate the 'spirit' of those armies.

Say all the armies in this game (for the most part) were ordinary mortal beings all on equal footing with eachother.
More or less on equal footing with eachother says Dwarf Slayer to Night Goblin.
The thing that would set the armies apart from eachother would be special racial traits right?
First thing to work out would be the global racial traits of the armies as a whole.
The next thing to work out would be the additional 'Elite' type units abilities in the game.
Last but not least would be Characters and deciding whether or not to power creep them or nerf them or neither.
But first things first and we have racial traits on the adgenda for the time being.

This is the part where those who have knowledge of the previous editions of the army books comes in to play.
The task is to summerize the 'three' most notable or iconic racial traits of each of the armies in Warhammer.
Not necessarily just in the current editions but 'overall' in the whole growth of the game.

For example: High Elves - fast, accurate but physically frail. (This is my limited perception of course.)

To make this interesting two of the traits must be positive and the last one must be a negative trait.
Now since my project is using 'Warmaster' scale miniatures there are a couple of armies not used in Warhammer.
Namely: Kislev and Araby and at the current time Beastmen, Wood Elves, Chaos Dwarfs and Ogre Kingdoms are out.
Although in future the option to proxy those missing armies is possible with the aid of Pendraken and Eureka etc.
Kallistra has a nice Organ Gun suitable for the Dwarfs and Trebuchet for Bretonnia... but I digress.
Right then, these are the armies that need some traits.

The main players.
Dark Elves
High Elves
Tomb Kings
Vampire Counts

Source material from unoffical rulebooks.

The possible future proxy armies.
Chaos Dwarfs
Ogre Kingdoms
Wood Elves

Remember: two positive racial traits and one negative racial trait for each army.

Only the insane have the strength to prosper.
And only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
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Re: Warlords of The Old World

Warlord Bhaird wrote
This is the part where those who have knowledge of the previous editions of the army books comes in to play.
The task is to summerize the 'three' most notable or iconic racial traits of each of the armies in Warhammer.
Not necessarily just in the current editions but 'overall' in the whole growth of the game.
I shall attempt to help with this between other projects
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Warlords of The Old World

Warlord Bhaird
This post was updated on .
Cheers for that MortiS.
Only the insane have the strength to prosper.
And only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.