"Katana Miniatures"

Posted by messyart messyart




Yea. Well, these.. Extremely detailed models might look pretty good for.. Like, marshy monsters.


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Re: "Katana Miniatures"

would not touch it with yours... any of it...
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: "Katana Miniatures"

In reply to this post by messyart
Jesus fucking Christ, Un-fucking-believable!

That is terrible website design, filled with pictures of the most abysmal sculpting and drawings like that of a 5 year-old    

 ^ To be fair it does look exactly like the concept art; so he has followed through on the design

 ^ If you dim the lights and squint a bit ... it still looks a piece of chewing gum with teeth-marks

 ^ You're on the brink of a fight to death with a Man-scorpion! (actually this makes the Dragon Strike one look good by comparison)

 ^ Dinosaur?

 ^ Sneak Peek at an upcoming project (I troll you)

 ^ I have a feeling the listing will stay this way until it's finished ... unless his mum feels sorry for him and buys one

 ^ Don't give up the day job Michael David Arnott 

P.S normally when we review some one's products I contact them and give them a link to the review - do you think I should in this case?

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Marchomer Marchomer
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Re: "Katana Miniatures"

In reply to this post by messyart
He's my new idol.
Yes, let's contact him! We must know who's this guy!

MortiS-the-Lost wrote

 ^ Sneak Peek at an upcoming project (I troll you)

Michael David Arnott wrote
"The models are cast in fine resin and incredibly detailed by the sculptors"
Yep! That's incredibly!

By the way I think it's a joke, or maybe  he's only a kid! I can't believe someone could sell something like these... uh... c'mon! Help me! like these... uh... Ok, I will invent a new word to define these things: "Spitcrapcastchewtoys".
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
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Re: "Katana Miniatures"

In reply to this post by messyart
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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: "Katana Miniatures"

Lumberjack wrote
Wow and I thought selling Miniatures was a hard thing to get into, thank God the internet allows anything!
I don't think he'll actually sell anything
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Apocalypsedreamer Apocalypsedreamer
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Re: "Katana Miniatures"

In reply to this post by messyart

So who makes them... lol
You think your lag is bad! It took 3 days for Jesus to re-spawn!


CatBlack CatBlack
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Re: "Katana Miniatures"

In reply to this post by messyart
Wow, I cannot believe they want £60 for that thing with the lobster claws!  

I normally wouldn't post to say how horrid something is but that is breathtakingly bad!  

Guess what isn't on the Xmas shopping list.