Judge Minty

Posted by greenstuff_gav greenstuff_gav
justa  heads up; Frothres are back with a new Charity Figure (donate to a charity, get a figure!) Judge Minty (mentioned in a 2000AD, made into a Fan Film released next week!)


i've donated :D


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Re: Judge Minty

Awesome Figure - I think it will prove popular
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
greenstuff_gav greenstuff_gav
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Re: Judge Minty

In reply to this post by greenstuff_gav
well he's only available for those who donate (free with a donation); they raised £3100 in 13 hours :O
jogar_t_hutt jogar_t_hutt
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Re: Judge Minty

In reply to this post by greenstuff_gav
love the look but is it me or is there something missing?
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Re: Judge Minty

In reply to this post by greenstuff_gav
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