Introduction from Quicky

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Introduction from Quicky

Hi All,

Just a quick post to say hi and introduce myself.

My name is Quicky, I am a Web designer and illustrator and have a passion for gaming for 30 years now (crikey that long).

I am playing with a couple of different templates at the moment that people might be interested in.

Trading card game templates

and  environments sheets for table top wargames. These are in development at the moment but feel free to contact me for more details.

all the best

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Re: Introduction from Quicky

Welcome to the forum Quicky. Maybe some of ideas you can make into console games. M
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: Introduction from Quicky

Cheers Mark,

The floor templates are all made in Cinema 4D so could be used fairly easily in console games as well, Will be making some isometric tiles as well but that will be later on/

All the best