Intro: new user here. HQ. Bought WHQ boxed used and IOS warhammer

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Intro: new user here. HQ. Bought WHQ boxed used and IOS warhammer

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Intro: new user here. HQ. Bought WHQ boxed used and IOS warhammer

First off, Im Fiddy-five, and never quite grew up. I taught my kid his first dungeon crawl this weekend. He was lukewarm on it because it didnt work the same as pixel dungeon on android.

I have owned a used version  of warhammer quest now for quite sometime.

I never opened the box of used stuff, then because im an impulse buyer, i bought a box of the whole game AGAIN with only the tiles and cards and archways. Go figure.

I am really glad i bought all that stuff, because now that ive played warhammer quest on IOS, i like it enough to run warhammer quest for my regular gaming group. I am learning the rules now.

I play smackwell's Dungeon Crawl, called... er... Dungeon Crawl which uses HQ like mechanics (edited for accuracy)

Thats all I have to say right now.
Keep up the good work.

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Re: Intro: new user here. HQ. Bought WHQ boxed used and IOS warhammer

The Skald
Welcome to the (very quiet at the moment) forum - I'm glad you've joined, if only for the fact that I was going stir crazy trapped in here on my own!
Just off to check out the link you posted  
When men meet foes in fight, better is stout heart than sharp sword.
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Re: Intro: new user here. HQ. Bought WHQ boxed used and IOS warhammer

The Skald
OK, so I've been and checked out the Dungeon Crawl link - I definitely remember seeing this somewhere in its early development stages

Do you play the solo option? If so any chance of giving me a bit of an insight as to how it works and how you rate it please? When you say HQ style mechanics, can you be a bit more specific?
You might also consider giving us a bit of a "review" posting for the game - I'm sure there are other members of the forum (somewhere) who'd be interested.
When men meet foes in fight, better is stout heart than sharp sword.
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Re: Intro: new user here. HQ. Bought WHQ boxed used and IOS warhammer

In reply to this post by runescience
Welcome aboard
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~