Inked Adventures cardboard bases for cardboard minis

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Inked Adventures cardboard bases for cardboard minis

Billiam Babble
Bases for use with slottable cardboard minis (like the free figures available on the One Monk Website: )



ZIP of PDFs for all 6 sets of bases:

I don't want to jinx the projects just yet,  but there may be plans to bundle cardboard minis in with some of my modular dungeon sets.

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Re: Inked Adventures cardboard bases for cardboard minis

Ingenious work as always and very nice link, I must admit I'm reappraising paper miniatures. Some of that stuff is really cool (especially the tank).
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Re: Inked Adventures cardboard bases for cardboard minis

In reply to this post by Billiam Babble
interesting ...

so paper minis, floor plans .... add a rule-set and you've got the makings of your print-n-play dungeon crawler
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Re: Inked Adventures cardboard bases for cardboard minis

Billiam Babble
MortiS-the-Lost wrote
so paper minis, floor plans .... add a rule-set and you've got the makings of your print-n-play dungeon crawler
It's always on my mind. ;)

Ignore the bad trimming on this cardboard figures - it was done in a bad light etc. ;)
Again, I never profess to be any good at actually assembling stuff...



Don't mix base styles!

(Figures: - Used with some permission)