I'm not alone.

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I'm not alone.

You mean someone else actually remembers MERP? Or Role Master? Or ICE's original Wizards CCG?

As part of my rejuvenated interest in all things geeky i've been digging around in boxes lurking in the garage, and guess what I found?

Loads of stuff! Particularly RM and numerous expansions, and a good 2-300 Wizards cards! Not that i'll ever play them again probably.  

They do smell nice and musky now though! Like you just opened a crypt door...
"Da only good stuntie iz a dead stuntie. Da only fing better iz a dyin stuntie dat tells yer where to find 'iz mates."

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Re: I'm not alone.

yea I have a few ICE books knocking around too and Axl Nose (who you'll see here from time to time) has the ME CCG if recall correctly.
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