I know this is the wrong place, but bear with me...

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I know this is the wrong place, but bear with me...

Captain Hobokus
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Ok - so seeing as how the Dark Heresy part of the forum is quite dead (I swore a tumbleweed went past when I was there last) with only three threads I am going to try the general so that my question actually sees the light of day.
And yes; I do know this is not quite the place to be asking as there is a part of the forum for it, but there's only THREE threads and I wrote one that hasn't had any responses...yet. Apologies in advance.

I need the stats for a Plague Marine from a...Deathwatch Expansion Book I think. I'm at the stage in my Eisenstein mini-adventure where the ship...eh, spoiler (I'm doing a Horus Heresy campaign). Suffice to say there's plague marines and I wouldn't mind having someone slide me a link or the actual stats (and yes, I know I can just buy the book or download the book that its in - but I can't, yet...)
Again - apologies for posting in the wrong portion of the forum.
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