I have printed 'The Khemri Tiles'!

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I have printed 'The Khemri Tiles'!

Well staples did. I just finished trimming the cardstock earlier.

I planned to use them as dungeon tiles, but then I got to thinking... having played a couple rounds of Silver Tower, the new WH Quest, I thought... wouldn't it be cool to try the original!

Of course, I always wind up back here after long sleepless nights of discovering dark and more arcane [darkane?] specialist games and old school lore. And of course, the Black Library that is The Lost and the Damned provided.
I am going to give the rules for WH Quest a good read, having already been drawn in by bits of the Role Play book.

I have also recently bought, on a steal, a copy of 1st ed WHFRP and Warmaster... and I found out about Mighty Empires too!

I am trying to contain myself, but I already have all these awful desires to make some friends play a WHQ/FRP/B-skirmish-Warmaster-mighty empires campaign. probably not in that order. Probably.

Expect some posts in the relevant bits of the forum soon, maybe some pictures of the adventure!

Do you suppose it'd be hard to convert WH Q/FRP/B characters into their respective particulars? It seems like a simple enough adjustment, but having looked a little bit at the expanded Quest rules, is FRP really that different??

Thoughts would be appreciated on that particular matter so I can decide what to have printed next lol
"Certain and eternal vanquisher of armies,
I have no need of monuments save the tomb stones of the fallen,
nor praises but the wailing of the mourners."
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Re: I have printed 'The Khemri Tiles'!

Captin Kabeered
Hello Warmistress,

I am very interested in  reading more about your continuing adventures and idears.
To your point about converting and combing the different games and adventure styles.
This does read like a really cool idea.  

I rember that the 1st edition of WHFRP had a section at the back of the book that allowed for monsters and other creatuers to be  converted almost straitght from WHFB 3rd eddion I think or was it 2nd... I can not rember at the moment.  I also recall that there was also a couple of articles that gave an outline of how to convert to a later eddition of warhammer.  Ummm for WHFRP 1st ed to WHB 4th or 5th ed. As well as an peace for WHQ 1sted on how to  transpher your adventures to WHB.

Oh as an interesting note, monsters in WHQ 1st ed could almost be taken from The WHB 4th 5th possabley 6th editions codexis / army books with only a slight ajustment need to / for  there profiles in order for them to be playable in each.

I would be  happy to have a rummage through my old notes 'n' bits and bobs, and see what I can find.
If you would like me too, just let me know  .

Captin Kabeered signing off.
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Re: I have printed 'The Khemri Tiles'!

Very intriguing! I would very much appreciate any notes and materials you might have for WHQ ^^

All of those links you've posted have been just the ticket! Except.. well, maybe I'm mistaken, but the dungeon room cards seem to be absent from your links?

They are proving difficult to find in a usable format.
"Certain and eternal vanquisher of armies,
I have no need of monuments save the tomb stones of the fallen,
nor praises but the wailing of the mourners."