I am back.......I think lol lol

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I am back.......I think lol lol

Hey you guys and girls ofcourse.
After a long time I am back.

anyway i shall not bother you with my personal shit, but get straight to the important stuff.
At the moment I am busy on several projects.
1: the bonecrusher, but that one just wont work for me, so i think i have to redo it all over again.
2: celeste the living saint wich is a wonderfull and outstanding mini
3: bretonnian fay enchantress a very difficult one exspecially the horse pfftttt why couldnt she have a ordinary black horse lol lol lol
4: and this one I love so much VICTOR CAT HELSING ohh that one is wonderfull all the way in my point of view "storm the gates of hell"...sorry got carried a way.
Viktor cat Helsing is from the Tale revision serie's 54 mm and so cute
5: the Pumpkin nagg from freebooter, and that one is also very cute cute cute cute

okay that was the update from the Kripster :)
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Re: I am back.......I think lol lol

Cool, looking forward to seeing the pictures  
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~