How well has Gauntlet aged?

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How well has Gauntlet aged?

Ok recently I was in a Gauntlet mood, so I went to play my copy of the game. I quickly found that both it, and Dark Legacy, no longer worked, I set out on an epic quest to find new copies of both of the games. Not only did I manage to find new copies of both games for a decent price, I also found a copy of Gauntlet Seven Sorrows. Since I hadn't played Seven Sorrows yet, I popped it in and...this sums up what I ran into (I apologize for the sound quality, I had to jury rig a mic):

After posting that tirade, I finally calmed down enough to replay the original Gauntlet, as well as Dark Legacy. I quickly found that neither of them was nearly as fun as I remembered. Did the Gauntlet series really age that poorly, or is it just me?
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Re: How well has Gauntlet aged?

It's just you.
I love the games, personally. They're fun to play, the graphics don't need to be amazebals if you enjoy the game.

Though I made Mortis play Dark Legacy once, maybe he'll have another opinion. x3
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.