Hi everyone!

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Hi everyone!

I'm Devil Kraken and this Forum it is a treasure for me! I'm fanboy of 40k Fluff and tumble here when I search for space hulk stuffs (the best GW game, for me). I really like sci-fi and space opera stuffs. Space Hulk, tyranid attack and other games in the 41 millenium is the best. I'm trying to be a great painter someday. Now I just like buying miniatures and paint then. Sorry for the bad english. Anyway thanks for their replies they are useful. I'm from Brazil somewhere in the Amazon jungle.
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Re: Hi everyone!

The Skald
Welcome to the forum
It's VERY quiet on here at the moment, but I'm sure there's plenty of 40K stuff on here to keep you busy until the guys come out to play.
Brazil eh? The home of Sepultura very cool  
When men meet foes in fight, better is stout heart than sharp sword.
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Re: Hi everyone!

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by Devilkraken
Hi Devilkraken!
As Skald says, it's super quiet on here at the moment, but the forum works very well as an archive for all sorts of games, also I think we bounce back and forth from social media to here.  
Does Space Hulk (old and new) have a big following in Brazil?
I've noticed on Instagram and Facebook that there are a lot of boardgamers and role-players in Brazil.
Hello and welcome (sorry I'm a month behind), I'm wondering where Mortis is?  Keeping busy and out of trouble I expect. :D
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Re: Hi everyone!

Hello Billiam Babble, unfortunately not. there are regions of the country that guys are specialized in 40k tabletop but no space hulk. Here I am gaining considerable attention with spacehulk, new players do not know old games like tactical space operas, his earliest references are aways starcraft stuff, but I am struggling to change that. No one can resist a game of exploration style on derelicts phanton ships with space orcs, aliens beasts, chain-swords and terminators. my tables of space hulk is unbeatable, the dudes aways want to play.