Hi all!

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Hi all!

Richie the Orc
hi everyone, I'm so glad to have been pointed to such a great site by Mortis! My first introduction to fantasy games was through TSRs DUNGEON board game, and also the Endless Quest books. I used to run my own gaming group at my house and we played everything from Talisman ( my FAVE board game ever!) to D & D. We also played a lot of Epic in the '90s, I don't play as often as I would like to now, but I am still involved in gaming, being of of the volunteers for UK Games Expo ( this year I was one of the GMs in the Living Munchkin).
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Re: Hi all!

Welcome aboard dude - great to have you here
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Hi all!

In reply to this post by Richie the Orc
Howdy-do jimlad. Welcome aboard, and post many pictures!
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
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Re: Hi all!

In reply to this post by Richie the Orc
hello and welcome!!
Free Miniature Printables for 28mm Scale

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Re: Hi all!

In reply to this post by Richie the Orc
Welcome Richie!
I saw some picture of your stuff and I must compliment you on your paintjob!

PS: Yep! Quite agree, Talisman rules!
I think that the best board game I have ever played is "The settlers of Catan", a sort of drug...
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +