HeroQuest replacement miniatures

Posted by Sjeng Sjeng
Well, I've found all HQ addons on the net in PDF format, so I can print all the quest books and tiles. All I need now is extra miniatures to replace those out of production original mini's:

Notice the Female elven archer, the skeleton champion and Sir Ragnar (the painted mini's) that I found at Ye Olde Inn. Don't know if they're official mini's, but they do have a HQ base (which could have been taken from any HQ mini).

I'd like to find some European stores that sell these or very similar mini's (HQ scale) in either metal or plastic, as long as they look at least as good as the originals. It's pretty hard to find online stores that have such a large selection and ship to The Netherlands too. Plus I don't want it to cost me too much.

Any tips? Post your webshops and pictures of replacements here!


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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

dock wrote
That is quite nicely translated Mortis.
Thank you and Welcome to the Forum Dock!

Please goto The Introductions Page and post a little about yourself so the rest of the forum can welcome you

dock wrote
I don't recognise your reference of the farm-house (?) but the rest covers the message. ;-)
'hoeven' I think means something like Farm House? (my Dutch was never very good)

Anyway as a fellow HeroQuest veteran I look forward to reading more posts from you
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
dock dock
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Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

Hoeven is also a verb meaning "need to be". The sentence would be: The miniatures don't neccessarily need to look like the HQ miniatures if they just fit the description.
I have for instance Drac Mac Syro as a barbarian.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

dock wrote
That is quite nicely translated Mortis.
Thank you and Welcome to the Forum Dock!

Please goto The Introductions Page and post a little about yourself so the rest of the forum can welcome you

dock wrote
I don't recognise your reference of the farm-house (?) but the rest covers the message. ;-)
'hoeven' I think means something like Farm House? (my Dutch was never very good)

Anyway as a fellow HeroQuest veteran I look forward to reading more posts from you
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~

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dock dock
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Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

In reply to this post by Sjeng
How did you learn Dutch as it is not a very well known language? Or is it all babelfish?
By the way, you can see my work at Ye Olde Inn  
where Drathe hostes the cards I have made for Dutch players and the rules to enrich the game.
I will tell more on the introduction page but at the moment I have more work then time, so this will be all for now.

MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

dock wrote
How did you learn Dutch as it is not a very well known language? Or is it all babelfish?
I learned some useful day-to-day Dutch from having Dutch friends (their names on the forum are 'Krippie' and 'Screaming-Mad-George') and staying with them in Friesland for most of the winter of  2008 up until Feb 2009 - but I'm quite out of practice these days and have to look up a lot of words I don't know
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

In reply to this post by Sjeng
Oooh! just decided to come back and stalk this forum for a bit again, after being at Ye Olde Inn mostly (still am), and to my surprise someone replied to my old topic! yay! :D

I live in Maastricht, so Zwolle is a bit out of my way I'm afraid ;)

I've recently ordered the Mantic Morgoth's Revenge set, a cheap set of Dragon Strike, a can of QuickShade for the vast undead and dwarf army I'll be painting soon, and probably for my skaven clanrats as well (need them for Durrag-Dol and my conversion of Mortis's "into the sewers" quest).
I've also bought a cool mini that will replace the frozen horror. That will be a challenge to paint though.

I still have way too luittle time to paint a lot, but last weekend I did one HQ zombie :P
I'll have to remember to post some pics once I have something to show here.

PS: hoeve = farmstead. hoeven = to need. (or rather mostly used as "niet hoeven = to not need") ;)
hoef = either hoove, or the first person form of hoeven (ik hoef ... niet = I don't need ... )
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
Check my Custom EU format card sets!
Ye Olde Inn | HeroQuest blog with lots of usefull stuff
MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

Nice to have you back Sjeng - if you're looking for more miniatures to add to your growing collection I highly recommend Reaper Miniatures new Dark Heaven Bones range of high quality plastics (not to mention the excellent prices!)
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Sjeng Sjeng
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Re: HeroQuest replacement miniatures

MortiS-the-Lost wrote
Nice to have you back Sjeng - if you're looking for more miniatures to add to your growing collection I highly recommend Reaper Miniatures new Dark Heaven Bones range of high quality plastics (not to mention the excellent prices!)
Yeah, I saw those. Added the troll to my basket. Shame there's not so many yet.
Still looking to buy some replacements for the wizards (4 evil plus 1 good) and perhaps some wolves

Orc Shaman Storm Master Necromancer High Mage Elf Pack Wizard Some Giant Rats Some Wolves
And also just for fun:
A Dragon! (for Dragon Strike) Drizzt!

But I'm not sure if I can have them ship to the Netherlands because of customs...
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
Check my Custom EU format card sets!
Ye Olde Inn | HeroQuest blog with lots of usefull stuff