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Hello There!

Captain Hobokus
12 posts
I found this forum at least a month and a half ago and finally decided it was time to join; mostly for the Space Crusade/Space Hulk section

Essentially I am what some would call a "gamer" in the sense of video games, and additionally I was born at least twenty years too late for the golden era of gaming (Ah, to have a properly committed gaming group for DnD...) and music (thought I'd add that). Oh, btw I do mean the 80s.
I've played various tabletop games; 40k, lotr, a bit of Warhammer Fantasy, a bit of Warmachine. I've also played Hero Quest, Space Hulk (1st edition), Talisman (second edition), and Space Crusade. I should also put down Dungeon Quest (I love that game!). I will tell you of why I enjoy playing these games. When I was younger (which tbh isn't that long ago) I was introduced to the old 2nd edition AD&D by my dad - not through actual gaming but by reading the various books he had. After this, we started playing Talisman and Space Hulk - and one game of Hero Quest (that was my mums). Eventually, after several years, we arrived at his house (unfortunately my parents are divorced and have been for quite some time) to find a large box on the table, with the words "Space Crusade" written on it. Needless to say - for not only were we both on a transition from lotr to 40k, but I had been "bashing" the old Amiga Space Crusade for a long time - I was extremely excited. That weekend was one that was spent memorizing the rules and getting whipped (not literally) in the game.
Bit of backstory here - my dad used to play Space Hulk years ago, where he was the 'Stealer player. Apparently he got so good that he was undefeatable; especially if you add psykers into the mix. So imagine a young child trying to beat this apparent strategic genius. Then; surely not, but now...
So anyway, the explanation turned into an anecdote. Suffice to say that it was my dad who introduced me into these games - and I can't determine if it was for good or ill! Hopefully the former.
I'll stop here by saying a big hello to everyone here, and hopefully my contributions to the Space Crusade section are worthwhile!
(Note: I'll put down what I own bg-wise - Hero Quest x2, Kellars Keep Expansion, The Lich King Expansion, Space Hulk, Talisman and its Dungeon, Dungeon Quest, and Space Crusade. My Talisman is second edition and Space Hulk is first edition. Luckily for me the only thing I've bought myself was my own copy of Hero Quest - the rest is in the family!)
"Life is the Emperor's currency; spend it well."
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Re: Hello There!

3125 posts
Welcome aboard Captain
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Hello There!

521 posts
In reply to this post by Captain Hobokus
Welcome Captain Hobokus!

Captain Hobokus wrote
Luckily for me the only thing I've bought myself was my own copy of Hero Quest - the rest is in the family!)
That's a big luck! I had to buy everything since the beginning (except for some presents), like most of us!
I recently I finished my classic D&D collection only after a long search of hidden stuff (bought with other friends) in the houses of my former-players and a re-bought of the missing books...
+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +
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Re: Hello There!

Richie the Orc
79 posts
In reply to this post by Captain Hobokus
Welcome aboard! I'm a big Talisman fan, and I have all the expansions for the 2nd edition!
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Re: Hello There!

Captain Hobokus
12 posts
When I asked my dad why he purchased just the Dungeon expansion and not all of them he told me a little anecdote about it; "There was one that had a space marine", "A marine? Why didn't you get that one?", "Cause I got the Dungeon instead!". The story goes something like this:
When he was buying the expansion (or it might have been a bundle; core and an expansion, I can't remember) he had the choice of buying the Dungeon or Timescape. He was really tempted to get Timescape, but ended up choosing the Dungeon instead.
"Life is the Emperor's currency; spend it well."