I figured since I been a lurker here for a long time, Id finally pop by and introduce myself. Im Sirenix. I've done everything from running my own Ultima Online Server, to creating my own board games. I'll be posting stuff on first for Space Crusade, then other games as I get around too it. I have a lot of Warhammer 40k miniatures, a complete painted Warhammer Fantasy battles Chaos Army, a 40k chaos space marine army, a good sized Tyranid army (what I started 40k with), a bunch of 40k orcs, dark eldar, and tau, and 6 bloodbowl teams.
Heres a rare look inside my closet lol
On the left side from top to bottom:
Space Marine
Battle Masters
Life (1985)
Dark World
Dragon Strike
Hero Quest
Space Crusade
Middle two are obviously clue and battleship
and on the Right is
Broadsides and boarding parties.
Below that is most of my warhammer 40k stuff.