You know the way I see it D&D is just another form of entertainment like video games, movies, music, plays, books. If you don't let it control you then there is no worry. Honestly I've never heard the name Jack Chick until now but now that I looked him up I guess I have seen his work before. But while on the subject of D&D I love Dr. Demento's skit about D&D because that is really what playing D&D back in the day was like, bunch of dork/nerds getting together to play a game and just having a good time, that's it! Some people yes do go overboard but that is with anything we do in life... that aside here are a few of my examples that were requested.
Lowres version of HQ 2.0 logo I did the other night real quick.
Lowres picture of Daphne from Dragon's Lair... I never have been happy with her face.
I'll stop saying lowres now... Entei picture to mimic classic Japanese paintings
Picture of Popful Mail from the game of the same name
Genesis of course this was in a series of video game systems that I drew a couple years back
I did not draw the shirt! I drew the Bloodstorm logo for the T-Shirt on a friends site.
I'll stop there for now I guess. :P