Greetings from Texas

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Greetings from Texas

Good evening everyone!

I've been a gamer (both video game and pen and paper) for about as long as I can remember. I got hooked on HeroQuest back 1990 and that is basically what brought me here to the forums. I was doing a search last night for some new rule ideas for HQ and somehow Google brought me to the forums.

I'm a graphic artist who will in two years also be a pastor (yeah a pastor and I love D&D sounds a bit odd doesn't it?). Anyway I've come to find some new rules and I've come across so much more so I guess I'll stick around for a while.
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Re: Greetings from Texas

I have heard much stranger things about holy men.

Welcome! I hope the forum caters for your needs well e_e
Got any examples of your illustrations?
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
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Re: Greetings from Texas

In reply to this post by DarakuTenshi
Welcome aboard I hope you enjoy your time here

DarakuTenshi wrote
yeah a pastor and I love D&D sounds a bit odd doesn't it?
Well as long as you don't subscribe to the insane teachings of Jack Chick and the like, I don't see any conflict of interest between the 2

DarakuTenshi wrote
Anyway I've come to find some new rules and I've come across so much more so I guess I'll stick around for a while.
You've certainly come to the right place, always good to have a new member
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Greetings from Texas

You know the way I see it D&D is just another form of entertainment like video games, movies, music, plays, books. If you don't let it control you then there is no worry. Honestly I've never heard the name Jack Chick until now but now that I looked him up I guess I have seen his work before. But while on the subject of D&D I love Dr. Demento's skit about D&D because that is really what playing D&D back in the day was like, bunch of dork/nerds getting together to play a game and just having a good time, that's it! Some people yes do go overboard but that is with anything we do in life... that aside here are a few of my examples that were requested.
HQ 2.0 logo lowres
Lowres version of HQ 2.0 logo I did the other night real quick.

Lowres picture of Daphne from Dragon's Lair... I never have been happy with her face.

I'll stop saying lowres now... Entei picture to mimic classic Japanese paintings

Picture of Popful Mail  from the game of the same name

Genesis of course this was in a series of video game systems that I drew a couple years back

I did not draw the shirt! I drew the Bloodstorm logo for the T-Shirt on a friends site.

I'll stop there for now I guess. :P
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Re: Greetings from Texas

In reply to this post by DarakuTenshi
Nice works! My compliments!
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Re: Greetings from Texas

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by DarakuTenshi
Loving the HQ logo, Daphne's legs  and the classic Japanese monster (I'm currently really enjoying reading the Ruins & Ronin RPG).

You're clearly artistically talented and driven by gaming nostalgia - so I reckon you're in the right place. *grin*

Welcome to the forum, dude.