Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

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Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

Warlord Bhaird
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Only the insane have the strength to prosper.
And only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
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Re: Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

Tell us a lil about yourself, sir

And tell me if you like zombies
Mankinds first mistake; Questioning why those around him, are dying.
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Re: Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

Warlord Bhaird
Australian born and bred son of a Scottish migrant. Aged 33, Star Sign: Taurus, Dedicated Metalhead first and foremost, Been out of the wargames community for a very long time but have always been keen on strategy type games. Be they computer based or miniature based. Recently joined the Australian GW prices petition due to prices over here being unacceptable for toy soldiers even though they are much more than just toys for us. Posted a few HeroQuest photos in dedication to all the old time wargamers amongst the petition. Ironically the only members of the petition who have ever voiced opposition to my views have been those young 'fan-boy' types who typically tow the company line at every given opportunity. Anyway today i was given an invitation by Mr.Mortis Logan to join this Lost & Damned community you have here. Must say i am hopeful i may at last have found a welcome home online to put my feet up and puff my pipe.

Come sit awhile
And stay awhile
I'll sing you a song to pass the while...
A song of days gone by.

I'll sing of the deeds
Of great kings of old,
Of legends now left
To rot and mold
With the bones of yesteryear.

Of dragons I'll sing,
And fair dragon-gold,
Hoarded for ages
In deep caverns cold,
Luring the brave to their doom.

I'll sing of heroes,
The heroes of old,
With strong arm of might,
And sword-steel so cold.
And valorous names they won.

So, come sit awhile,
And stay you awhile,
I'll sing you a song to pass the while...
A song of days gone by.

Do i like Zombies you say? hmm... as long as they keep a fair distance from my hammer those Zombies and I shall get along just fine.

Only the insane have the strength to prosper.
And only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
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Re: Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

Welcome aboard dude

I have a feeling you are going to like it here
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
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Re: Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird
Welcome to the forum

You think your lag is bad! It took 3 days for Jesus to re-spawn!
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Re: Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

Welcome fellow Taurus/metal head. lol
Happy gaming buddy. Mark
-- Mark RG (Game on)
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Re: Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

Billiam Babble
In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird
Whoa.  This man is a little unhinged.

I like the cut of his gib!
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Re: Greek Fire & Iron Spikes!

In reply to this post by Warlord Bhaird
Welcome in the forum BJ!

Bhaird Jegeren wrote
So here i am... who do you need eliminated? [First pick off the weapons rack is all the payment i require]
If you can I'd like to see this asshole eliminated:

+ Other planes lie beyond the reach Of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real Than what we see or touch or feel. +