Foundations of War

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
I came across these guys randomly the other night and thought I draw you attention to them ...

There White Metal Figures (at the time of writing the range is 3 ogres) are of questionable quality and quite high priced for what they are, they 'may contain lead' which leads me to believe these are regular pewter and not white (yes there is a difference). Any way that not why we're here, what I wanted to draw you attention to is their terrain which is very reasonably priced.

This is their 'Wargames Scenery/Terrain Starter Set' which is only £25 and contains a house, barricades, some walls and a bunch of river sections, enough I dare say, to fill a small games table for a skirmish game! You'd be lucky to get one building from Forge World for £25 ... but I digress ... Check out their £50 'Battlefield in a Box' set containing even more of the above!
I my self am interested in the river sections for use in games of Mordheim: Empire in Flames and their Accessories Packs, which contain all kinds of useful stuff.
Why is there stuff so cheap? Well a lot their stuff is cast in 'Crystacal R' some kind of extra-hard plaster so I wouldn't recommend dropping them and they may need a lot of cleaning up and preparation before you paint them up, but then again the same could be said for most resin terrain on the market for which you'd be paying a lot more. Then again some of their products are resin too and still very cheap compared to most other company's stuff.

So in conclusion if your looking for Ogre's go elsewhere, but if need some terrain or parts for a terrain  project at a low price then these are your people. Here's the link:;jsessionid=15480e1adfc0ed3/shopdata/index.shopscript


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precinctomega precinctomega
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Re: Foundations of War

"they 'may contain lead' which leads me to believe these are regular pewter and not white (yes there is a difference)"

<a href="they 'may contain lead' which leads me to believe these are regular pewter and not white (yes there is a difference)">No, there isn't.

Good spot on the terrain, though.  There are some great terrain sets out there for those prepared to look for them.

MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Foundations of War

there IS a diffrence

take note that Citadel and many other company's products don't carry the 'May Contain Lead' warnings, while other such as Ral Pather Europe do carry the warning - if you hold a miniature from companies that do and don't use White Pewter in either hand repectively you can see and fee the diffrence

also you might want to read about what Reaper Miniatures are doing now

~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: Foundations of War

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
yeah there stuff doesn't look to bad. I think I've seen them trading on ebay before infact.

The roads and rivers seem fairly cheap compared to other manufacturers and the little fan things they have in their accessories look quite cool too.

I've always been lead to believe that pewter is a lead-tin alloy and white metal is a tin-lead alloy, its all about the ratio of one to the other, plus I believe you only have to put a lead warning on above a certain percentage of content.

MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Foundations of War

from working at St Justin Pewter and then later at Black Tree Design, I can safely inform you that Regular Pewter has Lead in it, while Lead Free (white) Pewter dosn't - the clue is in the name
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
precinctomega precinctomega
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Re: Foundations of War

I'm sure that "Lead free pewter" is, indeed, lead-free.  But "white metal" is not the name of a specific alloy nor does it assure the absence of lead in any quantity.  It's a generic term for a number of metal alloys, using lead, tin, nickel and other stuff that all happen to possess similar qualities that make them suitable for the casting of miniature models.

Pewter is a white metal.  So is lead-free pewter.  Whilst some companies - including GW - use the expression "white metal" to refer to a lead-free alloy, this usage has not yet filtered out into the wider metalurgic circles.

MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Foundations of War

well thats how the places I've worked did it
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
Umboman Umboman
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Re: Foundations of War

In reply to this post by MortiS-the-Lost
Hey Guys,I am confused........I am going to die of lead poisoning?My tongue has gone that one of the symptoms?Tingling in one of my fingers & a difficulty in seeing near objects also?Loss of memory & difficulty concentrating?Painful joints?
   Whoops! Just remembered I turned 50 last Saturday-perhaps that explains my symptoms?In the words of Brandon Lee in 'The Crow'-"You are all going to die!".
The Prodigal son