Foam storage boxes by Mantis Creations

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Foam storage boxes by Mantis Creations

if anyone needs foam trays and cases for storing all those painted minis, check this KS. I've used those trays for my base Myth set, and they're amazing! Also used them for Zombicide and Krosmaster Arena. And HeroQuest of course ;)
scroll right from there.

Also did a review here
Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
Check my Custom EU format card sets!
Ye Olde Inn | HeroQuest blog with lots of usefull stuff
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Re: Foam storage boxes by Mantis Creations

My design was approved, and is now officially on the Mantis kickstarter!
So if you need storage for Zombicide, Myth, or generic troops, be sure to check these out. Good value, excellent quality.
Did a review here as well:

Eager HeroQuest newbie since july 2011 :D
Check my Custom EU format card sets!
Ye Olde Inn | HeroQuest blog with lots of usefull stuff