EvilDM Dice Server - Dice rolls for forum games

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EvilDM Dice Server - Dice rolls for forum games

Billiam Babble
I know that there's a few of this sorts of web pages so feel free to add to this thread.
This one was chosen for use with a Basic FRP (B/X D&D clone) game on a the BFRPG forum, it's tailored towards D&D.

Evil DM

Not only do you roll the dice but it can email the results to your DM, so there's no need for an honesty system.
Naturally this tool is probably more useful in forum or live chat games using normal software, as opposed to playing on servers/software specially catering for pen n paper gaming.
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Re: EvilDM Dice Server - Dice rolls for forum games

Billiam Babble
Embeddable dice roller, blogs forums etc.

Hmm .. couldn't get it to work here.  So here's the link:
