Elitist gamers.

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Elitist gamers.

Richie the Orc
I've just been told that if you can't afford to buy GW stuff then you shouldn't be playing their games! Now this seems to me that the person I was talking to is trying to turn gaming into some sort of elitist club, or am I being to sensitive about this. I just told the guy I'd rather spend my money on a gaming system where I don't need to sell a kidney to buy a squad!
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Re: Elitist gamers.

Right ok. thats intresting, was it someone in a store or a game bunker? the way i see it, if  its a store then change store, if its a bunker use a proxy models (which you should find cheaper than GW) and build an unbettably army list & hand this a***hole his a***!,

but ive heard of nutters like this before if fact i think i posted something about a nutjob before but i dont think it was here,

anyway to cut a story short
i was at a event with a friend years ago & we overheard that someone that day had his army spanked, later we saw this bloke having a s***fit in his car at this 1 mini doing a full on basil Fawlty, it was the sadest, creepyest thing ive seen
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Re: Elitist gamers.

Sounds like the same sort of people where they have to have all minatures fully painted to golden demon standard before they will play with you.

Still play with second edition rules with my kids. Why because everything is so expensive now. We play with all sorts of minatures from lots of different systems. It does not matter what you play with or what rules as long as your all happy using them and you all know what each represents....

some people are just a little too..... Well how can I put this politely..... (another word for the bottom part of the anatomy)....... just in case and kids read this....