"Deathwatch" - The Horus Heresy

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"Deathwatch" - The Horus Heresy

Captain Hobokus
I've toyed with the idea, and have come to some conclusions and a few drafts, but I believe that adapting the Dark Heresy/Deathwatch rules to the thirty-first millennium and the Horus Heresy. Its quite an interesting time period.
Now there is one main problem - adventure material. With most of the major battles resulting in an almost total traitor victory, most of the loyalist forces were reduced to a very small fraction - and if you start from the very first battle, where the characters are from the traitor legions; none at all unless something is done to mess with the timeline/events...

This being the third thread on the "Dark Heresy" portion of the forums, well...it might go relatively unnoticed, but I'm going to try anyway. Does anyone have anything they might want to say about this idea I've had? I think this particular type of "project" requires some input by those outside the regular circle of people I know.
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