Dark Heresy Core Rules Hardback book & paintbrushes.

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Dark Heresy Core Rules Hardback book & paintbrushes.

Tue 5th Oct for those of you near Westbury,Wiltshire-I saw this book in Dorothy House Charity shop(open 9-5 M-Sat),Westbury for £20(seemed pricy?) & I think 2 other fantasy role playing books on the top shelf at the back of the shop.
     Also Lidl,Trowbridge have some cheap paintbrushes at the moment(13 brushes,size 2 to 14 for £1.49.............. & 8 long flat & 8 round brushes size 1 to 10 in both types,in a polyester case for £2.99,reduced from £3.99)-only suitable for painting larger pieces/scenery/vehicles......................nothing suitable to paint miniature figures.I have found the ones in the case can be used in diy as well as modelling.
The Prodigal son