Citadel £ine Ca$t - what you really need to know!

Posted by MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost

Do you want value for money?

Do you want the best quality miniatures?

Do you want durable miniatures?

Well if the answer to all or any of the above is NO then Citadel's new £ine Ca$t range is for you

as you'll see from these pictures kindly provided by Game$ Work$hop's website; the new £ine Ca$t miniatures are exactly the fucking same as their metal counter parts

well I say exactly - there are some differences ... for a start the price ... resin (as you'll know from companies like Mantic and Eolith) is cheaper to produce in than metal, and with the rising price of metals at the moment GW (like several, other, more forward thinking companies before them) have switched to resin to save money in production.
and what's more GW is passing that saving strait onto you ... as long as you are a shareholder ... if you're a customer however you'll get the privilege of paying more for these miniatures! Yes that's right GW save themselves money and then ask you to pay more for the product they are spending less to make!
Another difference between the metal and resin version, is that resin (no matter what special formula it supposedly is) is more fragile than metal and thin parts (like say sword and guns) have a tendency to shatter and break off if you drop a resin model. Of course you not that likely to drop a model unless your really clumsy ... like say an 11 year old boy who doesn't take care of their miniatures ... you know, GW's target market! the same factor will probably lead to miniatures turning up in their packets with broken arms and weapon (which may in turn lead GW to eventually stop using clear blister-packs and only sell miniatures in boxes).

So if you like easily broken models and want to pay far far more than they are worth then I recommend a full frontal lobotomy ... and while your waiting for the treatment you can kill some time by buying some Citadel £ine Ca$t miniatures.    

Here's how good the quality control on these so-called 'best miniatures the world has seen' is

 ^Fine Cast? Miss Cast!!! - and this is an official picture from the website!


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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Citadel £ine Ca$t - what you really need to know!

messyart wrote
Might I suggest a food fight?
as long as it's civilised!
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~