Calling the turns the only way he can.......

Posted by AxlNose AxlNose

Hey there all......

Around the time that I was getting everythin together for my Norse Blood Bowl team, I happened across Impact Miniatures. I had a skated around the site and managed to find what I needed, but I also happened across a few nice little sideline minis that I really wanted to get hold of. Luckly at the time, I was putting together a batch order for little Kat, big Cat, Mortis, Panda and myself so was able to grab them too. YAY for batch ordering!!!!!

This is the first of those minis. He calls the turns, he can provide colour commentary upon request and has been on the recieving end of a trolls throwing arm on more than one occassion. Watchers and posters of TLATD, I give you........ Fragg the Commentator!!!!

The Lowdown

I started Fragg off by supergluing him onto a standard circular slotted base, and used Miliputt to fill in the remaining base slot (kudoes to Mortis for being the Miliputt provider). When that was all dried, black undercoated followed by building up a 3 level base highlighting with Scorched Brown, Vermin Brown and Snakebite Leather. His skin is a watered overbrush of Snot Green with a drybrush of Goblin Green over the top. You also may have noticed that he is missing the index finger on his left hand. This originally happened due to me getting a bit over-enthusiastic with the file when filing him down originally. I tried to use this to my advantage and added a small amount of Red Gore to the end so it looks like a slightly fresh injury. As to how it happened, I leave that up to you and your imaginations.........

Next, I sorted out his coat with an overbrush on Snakebite leather, followed by a covering of Gryphonne Sepia to help slightly tint the end result. The trim on the coat was then given a drybrush of Bleached Bone and finally gave the coat's belt a light drybrush of bleached bone also to help break up the solid mass of colour that the coat gives (especially at the back).

His cap and shoes were just a straight overbrush of Scorched Brown and the coat buckle and mic were given a Tin Bitz base before getting a drybrush of Boltgun Metal. Lastly gave a quick Bleached Bone over his teeth, the mic front was done 50% Blood Red and 50% Enchanted Blue. I choose these because they were the colours of my Norse Team and kinda figured that Fragg could be there home arena commentator/reporter. We all know how much Nordsmen love Goblins don't we.......... The base was given a coat of Goblin Green and will be flocked with a 'Glade Grassl kinda shade, the same as I'm gonna be giving my Norse team.

I hope you all like him, I'll probably end up using him for a score counter, or turn counter or something along those lines.


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MortiS-the-Lost MortiS-the-Lost
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Re: Calling the turns the only way he can.......

Gotta say the mini looks a lot better in real life, this picture isn't doing any favours.
Bring Fragg up on Saturday and we'll get some better photos taken
~The ravings of a single mad Goblin is bad enough, but such a power-hungry, malice-filled creature as Mortis can never hope to be understood~
BobbieTheDamned BobbieTheDamned
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Re: Calling the turns the only way he can.......

Nice find Axl, you need an ogre commentator to get the 'odd couple' motif though
shawndidge1 shawndidge1
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