the track... the grey tower on the long straight is the star/finish line. the barrells and obstacles indicate the track... noctice the narrow but fast short cut around the factorumCirc De Mort- F1 for the 41st Millenium!
the rules are simple... take a small, fast vehicle (must have armour value) and race track.
max 225pts, must be codex or FW legal.
each player has 3 CP's, plus 1 per full 50pts you are under the 225 limit.
movment, shooting and defence is paid for from the CP's. for example, 12" isyour minimum move and that costs 1CP... 12" + 1D6 is 2 CP's etc... there was also a random events chart for the end of each turn...
i will scan the full rules soon.
it was the most fun i have ever had with toy soldiers...
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch