Battle missions: A humble mans review

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Battle missions: A humble mans review

General Biakal
I got my Jervis signed (yes- touch me)  Battle missions book on saturday and was very impressed from the get-go.

for those not in the know, Battle missions is an expansion of the mission selection pages at the back of the rulebook. Each army gets three themed and very different missions that suit their particular style of battle. IG get to dig in, Dark Eldar get to harvest some slaves and so on ... what i was particularly impressed with however is you can if you so wish, play any armies missions with any other. therfore IG can play hit and run, SM can play trench warfare. each race gets a double page of fluff, pics and maps with each mision getting its own double page spread with photos, CG images and maps. very nice.

Each mission has special rules and information- but never too much to blow your minds. Many seem very complicated until you realise they are just a variation on VP's or KP's. Like the DE slave raid- for each unit you beat in combat or shoot up with a DE unit within so many inches gets 1 slave... i.e 1 KP. you get the idea.

Also included are some more specific ass-kicking missions. Line breaker for instance pits three Baneblades against 1500pts of pure enemy. But it says clearly you can swop them for Stompas or Titans or Bio-Titans or anything else along those lines.

well worth a buy and to be honest not worth a pirate- you will soon realise its a fairly essential bit of gaming kit. it will be worth the cash to buy your own- trust me.

this book like a pretty woman.... and for that reason I give it TWO THUMBS UP.
"WAAAAGH! VROOM VROOM!!! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dead gud innit yoof?!" - typical Mekboy sales pitch
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Re: Battle missions: A humble mans review

Sounds like an interesting book but does anyone remember the days when this stuff would have been in WD articles? Back when WD wasn't just a big advertisement and they did articles on scratchbuilding and conversions rather than just 'tactics' (aka buy these expensive minis to win) or yet another painting article? Even the 'tales of three gamers' were better than what we get now as they were about doing an army on a reasonable budget like most gamers actually do rather than just a wishlist that is beyond most people's ability to actually afford.

Think I'll stop that rant there.

Nice review
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Re: Battle missions: A humble mans review

In reply to this post by General Biakal
Sounds like a good book, the sort of stuff that makes 40k interesting, but like Rob said this is the sort of stuff GW should be publishing in White Dwarf and books like this should be compendiums of such said articles.

This month I did something I haven't done for a long time, I didn't buy WD. I picked it up, flicked through and thought “fuck it, nothing of interest”
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